5 critical planning tasks everyone needs to complete before retirement.

5 critical planning tasks everyone needs to complete before retirement. The closer you are to retirement, the more care you need to take with your financial decisions. The sooner you plan the easier it is to get things right. Here are five planning tasks everyone should do before they cease working. Know how much money…

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5 reasons to talk to a financial adviser.

5 reasons to talk to a financial adviser. Anyone can work with a financial advisor at any age and at any stage of life. You just have to find an advisor that is suited to your situation. Here are five reasons to talk to a Financial Adviser: You don’t have the time or interest to…

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Is it ok to compare insurance policies on price?

Is it ok to compare insurance policies on price? The purpose of insurance is to remove the risk of the financial consequences of suffering in certain events. Financially, you know that you can afford to pay a small amount each year as a ‘just in case measure. You might not ever need to claim, but…

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5 reasons why insurance cover in super may not be right for you.

5 reasons why insurance cover in super may not be right for you. A common misconception I hear is ‘I have insurance cover in my super. Here are 5 reasons why this cover might not be right for you. You might not have enough to cover. While many super funds offer a level of automatic…

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